Let’s talk a little about shein.com, shall we? I started ordering from them about 2 or so years ago. I researched them a bit and decided, what the hay. I’ll give them a go. The… View Post

Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here! Honestly, I’ve been doing a ton of self reflection and discovered a lot about myself over the past few months. For so long I was… View Post

I have “that” child. The child who hits the ground running as soon as he wakes in the morning. The child who requires constant supervision because he has no fear. The child who is the… View Post

Hey friends! I have put together a list of cute and affordable gifts for the Galentine in your life. Or for the man in your life who doesn’t know what to get you 😉 These… View Post

Hey friends! I have been getting a TON of questions about where I buy Si’s clothes. I figured writing a post about it would be the easiest way to let everyone know. So before I… View Post